I have no time.
Im still alive and kickin.
I still read your blog.
My cat Bastian chewed off my internet router cord. I hate not having internet at home. but-- he still is.. the cutest creature in my life right now.
Catch up soon,
Descriptions lie in the details of my journey on earth as an Arab American woman. Writing is my vehicle in understanding the purpose of it all....
Bastian is effing gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! :D
All in good time.
isnt he?!! he is like a little puppy sometimes. you should see him when I get home from work!! oh, and that looks he gives me when I walk out the door! heartbreaking... :p
Errant, yes. All in good time.I came home from work. had dinner. went to the gym. and now im at a coffee shop with 20 min left beore theey close and I dont have internet access anymore!!! Ahh!! the life of a writer...... ;)
OMG look at that face awww so cute
Awww! He's too cute to not forgive him.
I apologise, but it not absolutely that is necessary for me.
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