Friday, June 20, 2008

Daylight Robbery

Ive just stopped everything im doing because I had a sudden moment of inner rage.

A friend of mine whom I have been corresponding with for a few years, recently went to Dubai for the first time and is telling me how disgusting it is.

I am glad to hear someone else say this. Everyone in the gulf constantly boasts about Dubai. I will admit its gorgeous, luxurious, a good time, but at what cost.

All the tall buildings and constant construction. it has lost all human touch. the cars, the hotels, the roads, the malls after mall after mall. really nice but I felt a little sick.

How can these people justify this when there are people in Palestine and there is literally a world food famine occuring?

anyway, these are my simple thoughts right now. will expand later. I had to write before I forgot.

love love ...


Elizabeth Steele said...

I still wish I could see it though... :)

MY said...

you want to see the tyranny?! :p